A Bahamas vacation, beach wedding, and a sand dollar necklace
The first step was to soak the sand dollar so all the sand and other debris would wash away. So far, so good.
But then, as I gently lifted it out of the water, this happened.
Yes, the precious memento from a wedding in the Bahamas was as broken as a heart in a country music song. As the grey hairs sprouted forth quickly from my scalp, I contacted my client.
Fortunately, she was kind and understanding as she knew it was possible the sand dollar would break. In retrospect, I believe traveling while keeping the tender shell moist may have weakened it, then soaking in water finished it off.
So where did the completed photo of the gold sand dollar necklace come from? I created it with one of the practice shells and she was thrilled, even though it wasn't the shell. Who would know?
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