Vintage garnet brooch repurposed into pearl necklace
All dressed up and nowhere to go? I’ve felt that way many times throughout this pandemic. (Not that I’ve actually bothered to dress up much since March 2020!)
I spotted this vintage garnet brooch a few years ago and knew I’d wear it more often as a necklace. Plus, it was crying out for creamy white pearls so I couldn’t possibly resist buying the treasure and repurposing it, could I?
I dubbed her Scarlet and have worn her for Christmas and Valentine’s Day, but she mainly brings to mind trips with my husband to see the ballet at the Kennedy Center. For many years now I’ve been delighted to unwrap tickets as my Christmas or birthday gift. Not only am I blessed with the excitement of receiving the gift, but we create a special memory together when we attend the event. And a place like The Kennedy Center is the perfect venue for Scarlet. In fact, I wonder if she’s traveled there sometime in the past, perhaps pinned to a wool herringbone coat with stylish shoulder pads . . .
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