Dad's Buffalo Pin Becomes Repurposed Necklace
Do you think you could make something with my Dad’s old, Army battalion buffalo pin?
I’ve learned to “never say never,” but it was awfully tempting. This client is stylish and elegant - why would she would want to wear a buffalo pin?
So of course, I had to see it.
We connected and she passed the pin onto me. She and her Dad have a close relationship and she really wanted something of his as a memory piece. Not only that, but she also works for the National Park Service, so what would be more fitting than a buffalo necklace?
My traditional choice of pearls certainly did not fit the rugged subject and black detail of the pin, but I felt black onyx stones blended perfectly. A bit of filigree and glimmering black stones and voila! A Dad’s vintage buffalo pin transformed into a striking, conversation piece honoring a precious Dad.
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