Grandma's Antique Postcard Collection
Several years ago my Mom passed along to me a large stack of postcards that had belonged to my grandmother. What treasures! Dating back as far as 1907 (when postcard stamps were one cent!), many had messages on the back - some written in German - faded scrawls saying things like,
“How are your crops this year?"
And more poetically, "Heavy clouds have spread over my path since we parted."
Do you have any old postcards tucked away in a drawer? I’d like to encourage you to get them out, frame them or lay them under glass on a table. Sending postcards, just like letters, seems to have become an antiquated practice. And that simply makes them even greater treasures!
When I do an in-person event, I take some of these postcards with me to scatter around the tables - I think they provide perfect backdrops for my vintage jewelry.
If you’d enjoy seeing some of these amazing postcards in person, please join my email list, and if I do an event near you, you’ll be the first to know!